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Jane Shewmaker Hale

Jane Shewmaker Hale

Jane Shewmaker Hale, Distinguished Graduate Inducted 2013

Jane Shewmaker was born here in Buffalo and attended twelve years of school here in what would become the Dallas County R-I School District.  While she was in school, Jane was active in sports and played on the volleyball and softball teams and was a junior and senior high cheerleader.  She was a class officer and was in band and glee club and acted in class plays.  She has a talent for writing and she wrote, directed and performed on KBFL, the Buffalo High School radio station.  After graduation Jane married Bob Hale and they raised four sons on the family farm north of Buffalo.  Jane has always been an enthusiastic Bison fan and has hosted many Bison teams in her home and businesses over the years.  In 1971, Jane worked with the student council and other graduates to activate an alumni association for Buffalo High School.  Over the years, Jane retained the office of president.  The Active Committee of Alumnus held their meetings in the Hale home, later on the high school campus, and finally on their own property near D. A. Mallory Elementary School, where they built the Dallas County R-I Alumni Headquarters.  Through the efforts of Mrs. Hale and many Active Alumnus Committee members a high school alumni association evolved that other high schools continuously seek to emulate.  Many know Mrs. Hale as “The Firecracker Lady” because of the Hale family fireworks business in which Jane is still active.  She is a distinguished businesswoman operating Hale Sportswear and the Time Out Café, which is decorated with many items that celebrate our Bison Pride.  Mrs. Hale is also a noted author of several books and wrote the weekly column, “Buffalo, As I Remember It,” for over twenty years.  No matter what she has done in life, as a business person, a spirited fan, a school supporter, or as an author, Jane Shewmaker Hale strives to give credit to the place she’s lived her entire life, Buffalo, Missouri.   She is still a cheerleader not only for this town, but, for this school district and she is a dependable supporter and volunteer for all Bison causes.  We are proud to honor Jane Shewmaker Hale with her induction into the Dallas County R-I Schools Hall of Fame as a Distinguished Graduate.