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Lawrence Holt

Lawrence Holt

Lawrence Holt, Distinguished Graduate Inducted 2014

Mr. Lawrence Holt was, to many, the friendly face that welcomed people to Buffalo and Dallas County.  A lifelong resident of Dallas County, Mr. Holt had careers in both education, business, and the ministry.  Lawrence had been part of the Holt Monument Company since 1943, when he began working with his father.  He purchased the business in 1954 and in 1996 chose to go into the ministry for the United Methodist Church, where he served as pastor at a number of churches.  Upon retiring as a full time pastor, he continued to work as a minister emeritus, serving as a mentor and substitute pastor.  He was active in what seems like all organizations within Dallas County, but, was exceptionally dedicated to the Dallas County Historical Society, the Dallas County Lions Club, Buffalo Area Chamber of Commerce, Toys for Tots, Relay for Life, JayCees, Odd Fellows, the Dallas County 911 Board, and the Boy Scouts of America.  Before his death in 2013, Mr. Holt was a member of the Dallas County Schools Hall of Fame selection committee and was the unofficial historian of Buffalo High School.  Mr. Holt was always dedicated to making Buffalo a better place, for example, he was dedicated to adding sidewalks within the community for the safety and health of the community.