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About The Board of Education

The Dallas County R-1 School District Board of Education typically meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room. Occasionally, the meeting date is changed due to conflicts with school calendars or holidays.  Check the main school calendar for meeting locations and dates. The central purpose of the Dallas County R-I School Board of Education is to assure that student achievement is the central goal of the school district.  The goal of our school board is to take every step they can to assure that every student is learning, in every subject, every year, no matter what. The Board of Education consists of the following members:

Mr. Travis Dill, Interim President -
Mr. Toby Beamer, Treasurer -
Mr. Curt Skinner, Member -
Mr. LeRoy Laudenbach, Member -
Mr. Nate Kenady, Member -
Mrs. Becky Phillips, Member -
Mrs. Haley Weaver, Board Secretary -


Communications with the Dallas County R-I School Board of Education may be made in written form by sending communications to the following address:
Dallas County School Board of Education
1323 S. Ash Street
Buffalo, MO   65622

Due to state law, persons wishing to speak at school board meetings must be placed on the meeting agenda.  If you wish to speak to the school board, you should send a letter to the Superintendent of Schools.  Within the letter you should include your name, address, and telephone number, the nature of the information you will be sharing with the school board, and any steps you have already taken to seek help with your concern before coming to the school board.  This letter must be received in the Superintendent's office at 1323 S. Ash Street, Buffalo, MO  65622, at least five business days before the school board meeting that you would like to speak

What are the school board's governing documents?
By law, the school board implements its influence over the school district with six governing documents.  These documents are the districts' system of accountability and rules of operation.  These 6 governing documents are:

1.  The School Board approved policies of the school district.* 
2.  The District's Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP)* 
3.  The Budget*
4.  The Superintendent's Evaluation
5.  The District Professional Development Plan
6.  The Open-Meeting Agenda (Agendas are posted on the website prior to each scheduled meeting, as well as special meetings.)

*You will find these documents in this Board of Education section.