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Virtual Instruction

Deadlines for requesting virtual courses:

1st semester courses: Request must be submitted to the respective building administrator NO LATER THAN September 7, 2021 at 8 a.m.
2nd semester courses: Request must be submitted to the respective building administrator NO LATER THAN Janaury 10, 2022 at 8 a.m.

Students residing within the District who are under the age of 21 and in grades Kindergarten through twelve may be eligible to enroll in the Missouri Course Access Program (MOCAP) and other virtual courses at District expense.

Enrollment Process

  1. Prior to enrolling in MOCAP, the student must be enrolled full-time and have attended public or charter school for at least one semester immediately prior to enrolling in MOCAP, unless the student has a documented medical or psychological condition that prevented attendance, or unless otherwise approved by the Superintendent.
  2. The enrollment process will be substantially similar to the District’s current enrollment process for other than virtual courses.
  3. The District’s designee must approve a student’s request to enroll prior to the student’s enrollment in a MOCAP course or full-time program.
  4. Students who transfer into the District while enrolled in a MOCAP course or program will continue to be enrolled in the course or program upon enrollment in the District.
  5. Transfer students who have previously gained credits through successful passage of approved courses under MOCAP shall be accepted by the District.


  1. The District will approve an enrollment request as long as the student meets the eligibility requirements, enrollment occurs within the standard enrollment period, and enrollment in the requested course or program is in the student’s best educational interest.
  2. The student must be enrolled full-time in and has attended, for at least one semester immediately prior to enrolling in MoCAP, a public school (including a charter school) unless the student has a documented medical or physical diagnosis or condition that prevented the student from attending school the previous semester; and
  3. Prior to enrolling in any MoCAP course, the student has received approval from his or her school district or charter school.
  4. Parents, counselors and others may be consulted to determine whether MOCAP or other virtual courses serve a student’s best educational interest.
  5. The “best educational interest” determination will be made on a case-by-case basis and will include facts and circumstances regarding an individual student’s situation.
  6. In general, students with disabilities may enroll in MOCAP and other virtual courses using the same process applicable to other students. However, for students with disabilities served under the provisions of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) or the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504 (504), the student’s individual education program (IEP) or 504 team may need to consider whether virtual courses or virtual school would serve the student’s best educational interest, and if so, whether supports and services or accommodations are necessary in order for the student to participate.
  7. Enrollment in MOCAP courses or full-time virtual school will not exceed full-time enrollment in the District.
  8. Information regarding MOCAP and District-sponsored virtual courses will be included in Parent/Student Handbooks, student registration materials, and on the District’s website.

Denial, Appeal, Removal

  1. Refusal to grant approval for a student to enroll in MoCAP courses will be for good cause and a determination that it is not in the student’s best educational interest.
  2. The District shall provide written notice to the family regarding the reasons for denial and the family’s right to appeal to the Board and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). The written notice to the family will detail the appeal process.
  3. If a student is approved to enroll in a virtual course or program, the District will monitor a student’s progress. If the course is not meeting the educational needs of the student enrolled in the course, the District may remove the student from the course.  Recommendations from the course provider and/or DESE regarding the student’s continued enrollment in the program will be considered before a student is removed.


MOCAP-Missouri Course Access and Virtual School Program is a program developed by the State of Missouri to offer students equal (online) access to a wide range of high-quality courses, flexibility in scheduling, and interactive online learning that is neither time nor place dependent.


Parents or students interested in online courses should work with the school principal to create the best plan of action for the individual student.